21 Dog-Friendly Stores
Dog training for me means I am learning what a dog needs to function at his best. Many times my clients need a dog trainer because their dog is acting out and it's my job to figure out how to fix the behavior. What happens very often is that my clients cannot take their dogs out of the house due to difficulties with handling them. In many cases, this has a snowball effect, along with a lot of other things, on the behavior inside the home. Dogs can go stir crazy and a lack of positive encounters and stimulation can have an affect on how they react to visitors or even their own pack members in the house. This is why, nine times out of ten, the first thing I do is teach my clients how to safely walk their dog and then move on to public spaces like parks and stores.
Once you have mastered leash control and are confident and competent, taking your dog shopping with you is a great way to socialize and stimulate your dog in a positive and healthy manner. Here is a list of 21 stores that welcome four-legged shoppers. Call, Tweet, email or just stop by without your dog to make sure the particular store in your area allows dogs to avoid being turned away at the door. Now get out there and have fun!